Business Case Studies, Corporate Social responsibility Case Study, Satyam Computer’s ‘Gram IT’,An Indian IT Giant’s CSR Model

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Corporate Social responsibility Case Study

Case Title:

Satyam Computer’s ‘Gram IT’ – An Indian IT Giant’s CSR Model

Publication Year : 2008

Authors: Lekha Ravi

Industry: Information Technology and IT Enabled Services


Case Code: CSR0050C

Teaching Note: Available

Structured Assignment: Available

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India based Satyam Computers which is a leading global consulting and IT service company leverages its core business namely Information Technology to bridge the yawning digital divide between the urban and rural areas. Satyam has integrated its business with in built social values and is a staunch community reformer. Satyam views its socially responsible initiatives as an important strategic aspect for the long term sustainability of the organization. This case focuses on the Gram IT approach, an initiative taken by the Byrraju Foundation, an NGO promoted by Satyam Computers. Gram IT takes business process outsourcing to the educated unemployed youth in villages. It is an initiative that enables rural youth to create wealth by honing their computer and English skills for world class service delivery. Gram IT was such a unique model that it is found near perfect for rural India. For this venture, Satyam bagged the Asian CSR award under poverty alleviation category in 2007. The case examines how this unique technology platform can endure the teething troubles usually associated with growing economies. Has it also given the organization a sustainable competitive edge to its business?

Pedagogical Objectives:

  • To comprehend the concept of ‘Corporate social responsibility’
  • To analyse the significance of sustainable CSR practices by leading corporates in India
  • To understand the challenge of execution of CSR initiatives in a rural developing economy
  • To analyse the impact of strategic CSR in enhancing the company’s bottom line.

Keywords : Case Studies, Corporate Social Responsibility, Sustainability, Satyam Computers, Byrraju Foundation, Gram IT, Business Ethics, Poverty alleviation

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